ラッキーカントリー オーストラリアの豊富で国際色豊かな食材を生かし,毎日のお惣菜はもちろんの事,ジャンルにこだわらず手軽に作れるヘルシーで美味しい家庭料理から,友人を招いてのカジュアルなホームパーティーやお客様へのおもてなし料理迄,盛り沢山なクッキングクラスです。他,テーブルマナー,チーズ,食事に合ったワイン等々。。。
class: 1course;3times
time: 11:00ー14:30
date: A class; Tuesday 16th,23rd, 30th September 2014
B class; Thursday 11th,18th,25th September 2014
* 曜日の混合は出来ませんので悪しからず,,,not mixed
place: Camberwell (75 tram, stop 57 )
cost: $255/per course *maximum 5 people in each class
contact/register: Emiko 0478 219 644
email: emiko.rogers@gmail.com
web ; ryori-nin.blogspot.com.au
“ Emi”s Cuisine” Cooking Class in Spring
Even so, many flowers are beginning to bloom all over the garden. The markets are abundant with many fresh spring veggies, fruit, fish and young lamb etc.
Finally, it’s spring!!
These days, I’m so impressed with the full range of fresh domestic ingredients that are available from local farms and the surrounding sea - and it’s all here in Melbourne. Then there is wine!
So, I wonder if you ever considered how to make the best of these fantastic array of nature’s gifts in your daily life?
In consideration of ‘food as medicine’ that nurtures our health I am passionate about exploring the infinite possibilities for our daily table and flavours that awaken and delight our senses.
Let’s enjoy this journey in cuisine together!!!
Come and join “Emi’s Cuisine in Spring”: see details above.
* If you have any particular request for the theme of class, please let me know…